The Barrack Room Dinner & Silent Auction was such a huge success! Thank you to all the Cadets, Families, Officers, Support Committee Members, and our Honoured Guests for making this year's dinner so wonderful! The Ladies' Auxiliary did such a great job with all the yummy food! It was great seeing everybody there and supporting the Cadets!
I would like to thank the parents and the local businesses for all their help with donating to the silent auction, and thank the Support Committee members for their time and effort to help put together the dinner and auction. The Support Committee applied for the Ganaraska Financial Credit Union grant on behalf of the Cadets, and their application was chosen! With the grant money, the Support Committee will be purchasing a new fridge for the cadets' snacks and drinks. Thank you GFCU, it is much appreciated!
The cadets had a great time attending the Fall FTX on October 19th, 2024. They learned about tree species, how to make impromptu shelters, how to start a fire, fire safety, and much more! They even got to try out some MREs (meals, ready-to-eat)!
The Support Committee is happy to announce that the Fall Tagging Fundraiser was a success! Thanks to the Cadets, Officers, Parents, and Support Committee members that helped to make this fundraiser so successful! Without all your help, the Cadets wouldn't have been able to raise just over $4,800 in only 3 days! Great work everybody, and thank you!
Our next Tagging Fundraiser will be the weekend of April 4-6, 2025. We challenge the Cadets to try to beat their Fall Tagging record! |